Merry Christmas from the Laurel BMW!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
BMW in talks with GM on Fuel-Cell Vehicle Technology
BMW in talks with GM on fuel-cell vehicle technology.
“We are exploring various topics related to future technologies such as fuel cells,” Mathias Schmidt, a spokesman for the Munich-based carmaker, said today by phone. He declined to comment on the timing of an agreement.
Fuel cells generate electricity in the chemical reaction that combines hydrogen and oxygen to create water. BMW has largely ignored the technology in the past, focusing research on burning liquid hydrogen in a combustion engine. Daimler AG, the world’s third-biggest luxury-vehicle manufacturer, plans to introduce a fuel-cell-powered version of the Mercedes-Benz B- Class compact by 2014.
The talks between BMW and Detroit-based GM were reported Dec. 10 by Germany’s WirtschaftsWoche magazine, which said the carmakers are close to signing a deal as early as January.
Monday, December 5, 2011
BMW and Toyota to Collaborate on Battery Development
Some pretty cool news from Toyota and BMW.
At a press conference in Tokyo, the Toyota Motor Corporation and the BMW Group jointly announced they would collaborate on specific advanced powertrain technologies. The effort would initially be focused on research in lithium-ion batteries.
Additionally, BMW was contracted to supply 1.6-liter and 2-liter 4-cylinder diesel engines to Toyota Motor Europe.
Batteries have historically been the most troublesome component in electric- and hybrid-vehicle development. While lithium-ion batteries generally deliver improved range and performance over previous battery materials like nickel-metal hydride, advances in this area could help these vehicles, particularly E.V.’s, find broader adoption in the marketplace.
“We think that this collaboration will allow for development of next-generation batteries to be done faster and at a higher level,” said Takeshi Uchiyamada, Toyota executive vice president, of the agreement with BMW.
Both automakers said that the joint effort was a mid- to long-term commitment and that other areas for collaboration would be discussed.
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Monday, November 28, 2011
BMW Launches the Next Wave of In-Car Entertainment with MOG
Exciting news for BMW customers!
BMW and MOG announced availability of MOG’s award winning on-demand music service in all 2011 BMW vehicles equipped with the BMW Apps option in the US. This is the first integration of an on-demand music service in the car, transforming the way music fans listen to music on the road and expanding the number of places music lovers can enjoy the ultimate music listening experience.
After becoming a MOG Primo customer, BMW drivers simply need to launch the new version of the MOG app on their vehicle-connected iPhone and MOG will immediately appear in the BMW Apps-enabled infotainment system, giving music lovers instant access to MOG’s vast catalog of over 13 million songs.
“The partnership with MOG is another great step for BMW Apps, as we continue to listen to our customers and work to assess, develop and launch the apps they want most more quickly than ever before” said Rob Passaro Head of the BMW AppCenter.
"It is a real thrill to be the first on-demand music service in the car, and to truly transform a powerful, personal environment for experiencing music," said David Hyman, CEO of MOG. "This will make it fast and easy for drivers to enjoy the music they love, uninterrupted and unlimited, while maintaining their focus on the road," Hyman added.
“People listen to music more while driving than anywhere else, so it was critical for us to offer MOG in the car,” said Drew Denbo, SVP of Business Development at MOG. “BMW has been an incredible partner on this journey and we’re excited to finally bring this unique experience to fruition for the most avid auto and music lovers in the US.”The MOG iPhone app enables the following capabilities in the BMW Apps infotainment systems:
On-demand streaming: Unlimited, ad-free listening to any artist, album, or song at any time from virtually anywhere.
Seamless integration: Easy to browse and search, play, re-play, or skip to your favorite songs using the vehicle’s existing infotainment controller and steering wheel controls.
Storage: MOG will allow users to store their MOG music on their phone, enabling access to their favorite titles even when a data connection is not available.
MOG radio: Only MOG offers patent-pending “MOG Mobius” music discovery engine, which enables users to switch between true “artist only” radio or a full mix of similar artists.
Curated content: Users will have access to New Releases, Editor’s Picks, Top Songs, Featured Playlists, and Featured Radio in addition to their own tagged songs from within the MOG music service.
Highest quality audio: MOG downloads music at 320kbps, providing the highest quality listening experience.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
BMW Makes The List of “10 Cars That Make Us Thankful”

After several years of a recession-induced drought, the automotive industry is once again fertile, spilling forth a cornucopia of great cars for buyers to feast on. And that's perfect, because with Thanksgiving near, it's the time of year to feast till you drop. Whether your budget is big or small, the caliber of new offerings is so impressive that it's almost hard to go wrong, no matter what car you choose. But some vehicles stand out for one reason or another, whether for their looks, performance or what they represent. Here are 10 new vehicles we are glad exist. They're not necessarily the absolute best in their respective categories, but life would be a lot worse without them. So we give thanks.
Nobody does sport sedans like BMW. Other automakers have come close to knocking the BMW 3-Series from its pedestal, but none has yet succeeded. The current BMW M3 only solidifies this domination. It sounds and acts like a supercar on the racetrack, yet it is eminently more practical, not to mention more affordable. It is uncanny how easy the M3 is to drive with abandon. It always turns in sharply, brakes immediately and changes gears instantaneously. In fact, the M3 lulls you into thinking you're a better driver than you really are. BMW all but invented the performance-sedan segment decades ago. To this day it reigns supreme.
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Monday, November 14, 2011
How Road Rage Works
Ever wondered about the psychology behind road rage? Read on to find out more!
So what do you think of when you hear the term "road rage"? It's one of those catch phrases everyone has heard, and yet there is no common definition we can all use. Often, people use terms like "road rage" and "aggressive driving" interchangeably.
And while some might say that aggressive driving includes everything from cutting someone off on purpose to tailgating to making obscene gestures andcursing at other drivers, others might claim road rage refers only to incidents where violence erupts between drivers and passengers -- in or around cars. (There are just as many who might reverse those two definitions.) One thing is certain -- road rage is a dangerous phenomenon that can happen to any one of us, either as a perpetrator or a victim.
Driving a car is stressful -- it's inherently dangerous because even if you're the safest driver in the world, there are a lot different variables that you can't predict, like weather, traffic, accidents, and road work. And what about all those other people on the road? Some of them aren't just bad drivers, they're engaging in risky behavior. Some of them even do things specifically to make you angry or prevent you from getting to where you need to go.
That's the thought progression someone might have just before switching into road-rage mode, leading a driver to make irrational decisions very quickly. All of a sudden, you might be thinking: They need to know that what they're doing is dangerous and stupid, and you should show them. In fact, you should punish them.
There's no denying that driving can be a risky and emotional experience. For many of us, our cars are an extension of our personality, and it might be the most expensive possession we own. When we drive, we're aware that there's potential for injury and property damage. Driving might be an expression of freedom for some, but it's also an activity that tends to increase our stress levels, even if we're not aware of it at the time. Driving is also a communal activity. You might think of driving in terms of your own individual experience. But once you pull into traffic, you've joined a community of other drivers, all of whom have their own goals, fears and driving skills. Psychologists Dr. Leon James and Dr. Diane Nahl say that one factor in road rage is our tendency to concentrate on ourselves while dismissing the communal aspect of driving. It's very easy to perceive another driver's actions in terms of how it affects us, which in turn makes it easy to transition into anger [source: James, Nahl]. Once an expert witness to Congress on traffic psychology, Dr. James, known as "Dr. Driving," believes that the core cause of road rage isn't due to traffic jams or more drivers on the road -- but how our culture views aggressive driving [source: Dr.].
In our culture, children learn that the normal rules regarding behavior and civility don't apply when driving a car. They may see their parents engage in competitive-driving behaviors, maneuvering the car with multiple lane changes or traveling at high speeds in a rush to get to a destination. Some popular films and television shows portray aggressive driving as a positive, or at the very least, an exciting activity. To complicate matters, for years pop psychologists suggested that the best way to relieve anger and stress was to vent your frustration, essentially giving into and feeding your negative emotions. However, psychological studies show that venting doesn't help relieve anger at all. In a road rage situation, venting can help escalate an incident into a violent encounter. Americans also tend to view a person who backs away from confrontation as a coward, creating a sense of pressure on a driver to not give up any ground even when no one is judging him. With that in mind, it's no surprise that violent encounters happen occasionally. Almost everyone is predisposed to engaging in irrational behavior while driving -- Dr. James even goes so far as to say that most people are emotionally impaired when they drive [source: James]. The key, psychologists say, is being aware of your emotional state and making the right choices, even when you are tempted to act out emotionally.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Rules Of Defensive Driving
If you would like to prevent a car accident, read these tips!
In this collection, "70 Rules of Defensive Driving," by RoadTrip America's contributing expert Robert Schaller, he shares wisdom gained from nearly fifteen years of teaching defensive driving and traffic law in his home state of Arizona.
1. Pay Attention
2. Don't Trust NOBODY!3. Yield Anyway!
4. Don't Speed!5. Don't Drive Impaired
6. Wear Your Seat Belt!7. Buy and Use Safety Devices
8. Motorcyclist, Protect Thyself!9. Don't Run Red!
10. Drive Precisely11. Chill Out!
12. Look Down the Road!13. Create Space
14. Drive to Communicate15. Drive Predictably
16. Always Signal Your Intentions17. Know Your Blind Spots!
18. Avoid Distractions19. Avoid Backing Up
20. Beware of Intersections21. Be A Freeway Pro
22. Know How To Stop23. Know When To Use Your Headlights
24. Slow Down in Rain or Snow25. Maintain Your Tires
26. Take Care of Your Vehicle27. Get Rid of Tailgaters
28. Maintain an Even, Measured Pace29. Check for Hydroplaning
30. Know How To Recover From A Skid31. Avoid Head-On Collisions
32. Be A Safe Passer33. Avoid the Single-Vehicle Collision
34. Deal with Light Glare35. Never Play Chicken With a Train
36. Beware of Stopped or Slow-Moving Vehicles37. Practice Animal Avoidance!
38. Don't Prevent Others from Passing39. Drive Your Van Safely
40. Practice Smart Bicycling
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Johnstown Children's Museum
Have you been to the Johnstown Children’s museum? It is located on the third floor of the Heritage Discovery Center, and allows children to learn through play about Johnstown's geography, history, culture, industry and more. Some features of the museum include:
Johnstown Timewarp -- This area introduces visitors into the museum and its themes -- as the sign says, "Where we live shapes who we are. Who we are shapes where we live." Johnstown residents will recognize some of the buildings and landmarks from Johnstown's past and present, including City Hall, Morley's Dog and the Stone Bridge.
Blocks Area -- The Johnstown Timewarp features an area with blocks and other wooden toys for free play.
Morley's Dog Cafe -- This quiet corner is a place for parents and caregivers to relax while their children explore the museum. Hands-on activities and reading programs will be presented here as well.
The Water Room -- Most of the water room's exhibits allow children to play with water, learning about concepts like dam-building, municipal plumbing, rain in mountains and valleys, acid rain, and native fish. Hand dryers will help kids dry off after the fun.
The Overlook Garden -- Come out on the rooftop terraces of the Heritage Discovery Center to see displays of native Pennsylvania plants! There are plants that like shade, part sun, full sun, and that live in water, along with tables for kids to work with them. A rain meter keeps track of how much rain we get each month. Enjoy the spectacular view of Cambria City and the Conemaugh Gap -- and use the telescope to take a closer look.
The Inclimber -- The climber is a huge reproduction of Yoder Hill, including mine tunnels to climb high toward the ceiling. Inside the "mine," kids will have the opportunity to dress up like coal miners, including hard hats with lights, orange vests, and (plastic) coal picks! An experienced coal miner will talk to you about safety, exhibits about the kinds of rocks found in a mine, and "talking artifacts" -- including a miner's lunch pail. Watch out for the talking mine rats! When you reach the top, take a "coal shute" slide down, where you'll land in a padded coal car that's full of "coal."The Inclimber also features a replica of the Inclined Plane -- go into the red control house to make it go up and down the hill!
City Works -- Compare maps from different periods in Johnstown's history. Try your hand at laying out a city in the hills, using special tables that reflect Johnstown's topography and models of houses, industrial buildings, landmarks and more.
The Steel Mill -- The steel industry has played a vital role in Johnstown's past and present. In this section of the museum, kids can try their hand at making pattern molds, roleplay being the boss or worker with costumes, and more.
Steel Mill Manager Game -- One of several features in the steel mill area is this game for two people -- see who does the best job managing a steel mill by keeping all the jobs filled during every shift! Wait, it's a lot harder than it looks.
For more information please visit:
Friday, October 28, 2011
Ultimate Factories: BMW X3 will be on National Geographic channel Nov. 1st
This will be the second time NGC has featured a BMW built exclusively in South Carolina. In 2007, BMW’s Z4 Roadster, also built at the South Carolina factory until 2008, was featured on Ultimate Factories.
National Geographic Channel spent almost two weeks at the BMW factory in early June producing and filming the new program. “Once again, BMW was very pleased to welcome the National Geographic Channel into our plant. We are proud to show people all over the world the quality and craftsmanship of BMW X3, X5 and X6, built exclusively for over 130 markets around the globe," said Josef Kerscher, President, BMW Manufacturing.
Currently, the new BMW X3, which began production in South Carolina in September 2010 and went on sale in the U.S. in early 2011, has become a bestseller for the company - with nearly 80,000 vehicles sold globally in 2011.
In 2008, BMW announced a $750 million investment in its South Carolina operation to expand the factory by 1.5 million square feet to build the new BMW X3. The company is projecting over 270,000 BMWs will be produced in South Carolina in 2011.
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Saturday, October 22, 2011
BMW aims to maintain dominance with new 3-Series
Check out what The Bottom Line at msnbc,com has to say about the BMW 3-Series!
In an era of product proliferation, few vehicles better define a brand than the BMW 3-Series. It’s not only the best-selling line in the compact luxury segment, it’s also the top seller in the Bavarian maker’s product portfolio.
So there’s good reason for all the attention being paid to the all-new 2012 3-Series that's making its formal debut this month.
With new products also on tap from other key competitors -- notably including the Mercedes-Benz C-Class -- this could be one of the most important launches BMW has had in a number of years.
The sixth-generation model is the direct descendant of the 2002, the car that put BMW on the map and helped justify its corporate tagline as “the ultimate driving machine.”
“We are confident that the new BMW 3 Series will build on the tremendous success of its predecessors,” proclaimed BMW Chairman Norbert Reithofer during a premiere in Munich where he described the line as “the world’s most successful premium vehicle.”
The outgoing model rang up 60,000 sales in the U.S. alone through the end of September. By comparison, the second most-popular model in the compact luxury segment, the Mercedes-Benz C-Class, has generated 39,000 sales.
But Mercedes is bringing a heavily updated version of its own compact to market for 2012, with a sportier look and a clear goal of delivering a more performance-oriented, BMW-like ride.
And it’s not alone. The compact luxury segment is becoming increasingly crowded with new or recent offerings from an array of automakers from Europe, the U.S., Japan and South Korea.
Complicating matters, the market appears to be shifting, according to analyst Joe Phillippi of AutoTrends Consulting.
Even among sporty buyers there’s more interest in mileage. Technology -- especially onboard infotainment systems -- is becoming a defining factor as well.
There BMW positioned itself as an early trendsetter, with the launch of the groundbreaking iDrive system. After taking some initial lumps for its quirky user interface, iDrive has become both easier to use and much more capable, with still more features being added on the new 3-Series.
On the safety side, the new 3-Series picks up a variety of technologies that have migrated down from some of the marque’s higher-end products, including Heads-Up Display and Blind Spot Detection, as well as Lane Departure Warning and Collision Avoidance.
But there’s plenty of new technology under the hood, as well. For one thing, the maker will launch the ActiveHybrid 3, an all-new gas-electric model, late in the 2012 model-year. But even more conventional versions of the new 3-Series will introduce features like Start/Stop -- which automatically shuts the engine down rather than idling at a light or in a fast-food line then restarts the engine when the driver’s foot lifts off the brake.
Meanwhile, the new 3-Series will bring to the U.S. market the first BMW four-cylinder engine in years. Despite migrating from the old car’s 3.0-liter inline-six to a new 2.0-liter inline-four, the new 328i will make 240 horsepower and 260 lb-ft of torque.
And although it is expected to deliver better mileage -- final numbers haven’t been released -- it will still launch from 0 to 60 in just 5.7 seconds and hit an electronically limited top speed of 130 mph.
In keeping with another market trend, the new 3-Series will be larger and more luxurious. The 2012 3-Series body grows about 3.7 inches in length, with the wheelbase stretched just under 2 inches. The front track is 1.5 inches wider, the rear 1.85 inches.
BMW claims that will be particularly obvious to rear-seat passengers, although the trunk is also more capacious.
Notably, BMW engineers were able to trim about 88 pounds off the weight of the typical new 3-Series model, which helped maintain performance while delivering that better mileage.
For those putting a premium on performance, the 2012 BMW 335i will maintain its current single-turbo 3.0-liter inline-six, although it will also gain some efficiencies from the Start/Stop system, as well as a new 8-speed automatic and a system call Brake Energy Regeneration, which is a very mild hybrid system for recapturing some energy normally lost during braking to recharge the car’s battery.
Meanwhile, a replacement for the outgoing M3 -- the true definition of BMW’s performance DNA -- is still in the works.
With a more sporty design, better mileage and improved performance, analysts like Phillippi are betting that the new 3-Series will maintain, if not gain, momentum. It won’t hurt that Mercedes’ U.S. sales subsidiary has been knocked off-kilter by the unexpected departure this week of CEO Ernst Lieb. The well-respected Daimler AG veteran had helped move the Mercedes marque steadily more into contention with BMW and Lexus for the lead in the U.S. luxury market. It’s not clear when Mercedes will name a full-time successor but the timing, as the next-gen C-Class debuts, is clearly a setback.
Even if Mercedes’ drive falters, BMW still has to keep a wary eye out for the likes of Cadillac, Audi, Lexus, Infiniti and even Hyundai, the Korean marque now intent on becoming a luxury player.
But the 3-Series has always been a tough act to follow, and the new model wasn’t designed to yield any ground.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
BMW To Offer Laser Headlights
BMW will offer laser headlights in the next few years. BMW says “that the system is 1,000 times brighter and 100 times smaller than traditional LED lighting while being twice as efficient. The system is said to have an average life span of around 10,000 hours.”
BMW plans to unveil new lighting technology within the next two to three years that uses highly focused beams of light to illuminate a dark road, according to Inside Line. The news comes courtesy of Hanafi Abdul, an optical systems designer for BMW, who said that a system using a photonic process to create white light is currently ready for production and awaiting the correct application.
A version of the technology has already bowed on the i8 Concept, thought Abdul said that the laser lighting system could arrive in dealerships before the production i8 heads to market in 2013.
The process uses Gallium Nitride to create blue light, which is then converted to white light with the help of a phosphor disc.
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Drive for USA Event With Adam Page
Adam Page, 2010 Sled Hockey gold medal winner with our Internet Coordinator, Heather Ziegler
Over the summer, Laurel BMW hosted a "Drive for USA" event, where for every test drive we went on, BMW donated money to the USA Olympic and Paralympic teams. We had a very special guest appearance from Adam Page, a Sled Hockey gold medal winner at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games! He spent the day here with us and this guy is quite an inspiration! He's got a great attitude, a true passion for his sport and a zest for life! Adam's got a great personality and never tired of our incessant questions about his life, his sport and all of the opportunities that have been presented to him. It was quite an honor to spend the day with him! We can't wait to do this event again and can only hope our guest is as fabulous as Adam was!
For more information on Adam and the Paralympic team visit:
Monday, October 3, 2011
The BMW ActiveHybrid 5: Full Hybrid Power comes to the 5 Series Sedan
The 2012 BMW ActiveHybrid 5 will arrive in dealerships in March 2012.
BMW today announced the introduction of its newest hybrid, the 2012 BMW ActiveHybrid 5. Based on the BMW 535i Sedan, the ActiveHybrid 5 brings together BMW’s 3.0-liter TwinPower Turbo inline six-cylinder engine, an electric drive system and an eight-speed automatic transmission for the first time. The latest generation of BMW ActiveHybrid technology also adds precisely controlled energy management to the mix. All of which gives the BMW ActiveHybrid 5 an exceptional balance of performance and fuel economy for a benchmark performance/luxury sedan. Its drive system generates combined output of 335 hp (DIN), allows the car to be driven on electric power alone up to 37 mph (60 km/h), and accelerates the BMW ActiveHybrid 5 from 0 to 60 mph in 5.7 seconds (preliminary).
The 300 hp inline six with BMW TwinPower Turbo technology in the BMW ActiveHybrid 5 is the same engine renowned for its free-revving capability, pulling power and efficiency in the BMW 535i. The electric motor develops 55 hp and is supplied with energy by a high-performance lithium-ion battery housed in the trunk.
A harmonious blend of power from the two drive systems ensures that the BMW ActiveHybrid 5 boasts not only the sportiest performance in its market segment but also a double-digit percentage improvement in fuel economy over the BMW 535i based on preliminary results. Its full-hybrid drive system enables driving on purely electric power which means emission-free driving in urban conditions.
In order to fully exploit the potential of the BMW ActiveHybrid technology, the power electronics in the BMW ActiveHybrid 5 use a host of technologies to ensure the drive system runs at peak efficiency. The high-performance lithium-ion battery is charged when the car is coasting or braking. The electric motor acts as a generator feeding energy into the high-voltage battery. By contrast, under acceleration the electric motor takes on a boost function. Here, it assists the inline six by generating an extra burst of power, lending the sedan’s sporty driving character a noticeably sharper edge.
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Thursday, September 29, 2011
BMW Ultimate Service
BMW Ultimate Service™
We design extraordinary cars. It only seems right to offer a service plan to match.
Only BMW offers a comprehensive suite of premium vehicle maintenance services for absolutely no cost: buy a BMW now and pay no maintenance costs for 4 years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first.Featuring the following services, BMW Ultimate Service™ lives up to its name:
- New Vehicle/SAV Limited Warranty: This warranty covers defects in materials or workmanship for the first four years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first, so you can rest assured your BMW will perform as expected.
- BMW Maintenance Program: One of the most comprehensive maintenance programs in its class, covering all factory-recommended maintenance services during the New Vehicle/SAV Limited Warranty Coverage Period, as well as specific items that require replacement due to normal wear and tear, such as brake pads, brake discs and wiper blade inserts.
- Four years of the BMW Assist™ Safety Plan: Many 2007 and later models include a four-year, unlimited mileage subscription to the BMW Assist trade; Safety Plan including TeleService, an exclusive BMW benefit which allows your vehicle to contact your BMW center directly when it needs service or maintenance.
- Unlimited-Mileage Roadside Assistance: Receive Roadside Assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for the first four years of ownership, without any mileage limitation.
No other premium automaker provides such comprehensive benefits for absolutely no cost. So while other car owners will incur from several hundred to over one thousand dollars of maintenance or repair costs during the first 4 years they own their vehicles, you pay nothing for the first 4 years or 50,000 miles.
After all, an Ultimate Driving Machine® - and its driver - deserve nothing less than BMW Ultimate Service™.
Schedule a service appointment:
Thursday, September 22, 2011
BMW Is The Official Luxury Vehicle Of The Big Ten Conference During The 2011-2012 Season
BMW has been named the official luxury vehicle of the Big Ten conference during the 2011-2012 season and it will cover football, men’s and women’s basketball, baseball and Olympic sports programs.
As part of the program, BMW will create vehicle displays at select events and establish a “Preferred Parking Promotion” for BMW owners, providing reserved parking access for several Big Ten events including the football championship game and men’s basketball tournament. “The Big Ten is a great conference and home to some of the country’s top universities,” said David Lee, Sales and Marketing Manager, Central Region, BMW of North America. “Big Ten schools pride themselves on academic excellence and we look forward to working together to make this partnership a success.”
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Not sure if you should buy or lease?
Not sure if you should buy or lease your next car? We can help with that! Follow the link take a 10 question quiz and it will help you with your decision. If you have more questions about Leasing vs Buying a car give us a call at (814) 262-7028.